raw denim jeans warehouse

As an avid denim tech-savvy, I spent some time combing the Internet for news on new models, brands, and events in the raw denim scene. Despite the strange name and a little 'misleading the blog is a treasure trove of images and information on Americana and vintage denim. Run by a man with the nickname "Dumbo," the blog is a regularly updated almost daily.

The blog has been on base more Japanese brands, including flathead, stock and sugar cane. But Dumbo leading brand of choice is Samurai Jeans. His collection of Samurai jeans are well known in the Japanese denim scene, even to be regularly featured Jeans Samurai official website is "boasts of Denim".

There is also evidence to suggest that Dumbo is a personal knowledge of the President of Samurai Jeans Nogami-san. More importantly, attention fades that occur in Dumbo jeans. Many people find fascinating cast, with some Japanese denim-heads refer to them as "water-shrinking" because of their similarity with the water rippling. Anyway, I must say that the blog Dumbo is a great example of Japanese denim scene.

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