Beginning Rock Guitar Chords That Would Be Cheating

So what is a rock guitar string anyway?

Rock guitar, or I should say rather heavy rock guitar, mostly played on the guitar chords power chords are called.

A power cord is made up of only two notes, usually the root note of chord is named after, and the fifth note, which is the fifth tone in the scale, chord is named after.

In the minor chords of the third tone is flat.

Let's start with the cord and power, which is also known as E5 chord.

Play 6 string open - the root note (E).

Place the second finger behind the second fret of the fifth string - the fifth note of the chord.

Put your finger behind the third fret on the 4th string second (This is the root note an octave above)

Place your index finger on the sixth string on the third tape - the root (G)

Place the third finger on the fifth string behind the scenes on the tape.

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Your fourth finger (pinky) is 4 behind the tongue of the belt 5.

You can also deep notes these types of agreement on other channels as well.

The strings of the guitar rock trap.

The lower you can play chords, this is the D5 chord, which is open to 6, 5 and 4 language.

To learn more about rock guitar chords, you can visit their website Play-electric or more specifically its page Power Chords and other agreements of power loss D

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